Celebrating the Holy Eucharist around the tomb of
St. Arnold Janssen
To what or where can I compare this beautiful experience, as an SVD Missionary, to be with your Founder, Father and Leader? A rare experience of joy not a privilege but a gift which I received, to pay a visit the SVD Founder's tomb, a Saint's Tomb, St. Arnold Janssen in St. Michael Mission House in Steyl, Holland. Filled with joy and gladness, on vended knees venerated him and praising the Lord, asking the intercession of St. Arnold for protection for my family and for my missions also whispering the requested prayers of classmates and friends especially the missionaries around the world not forgetting the sick confreres and friends.
Not all members of the Arnoldus family has given the chance to visit this place. But for me it was not only a visit its a moment, to stayed there for quite sometime, to really connect my self and deepen my SVD Identity as Religious Missionary, claiming once again, "Christ life is my life, Christ mission is my mission".
"May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace and may the Heart of Jesus lives in the hearts of all people."